A voyage inside.// Imagine Poetry Series.// 59.

Apr 25, 2021
Photo by Michael Soledad on Unsplash

A voyage inside

the shell of a destitute

empire began

with the Valley of Fire.

Innocuous weeds

painted blue by lenses,

misplaced a shard of their soul

once the camera snapped—

another second fell

by the wayside.

How many memories can one


Not enough. Never enough.’ —

rosy lips murmur

as dainty fingers keep

prisoner the next route

toward another

diner served breakfast.

That’s it for this week’s Imagine series. Created for your entertainment either to transport you to another realm or to make you smile/laugh at my less-than-stellar poetry.

Check out the ‘Week 59’ section from my ‘Mood Board’ over on Pinterest if you want to see what inspired this poem.

Thank you for reading!

Take care.

